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RE&UP considers next steps for expansion.

The company aims to expand its global recycling capacity to over one million tonnes of textile waste annually.

In line with the scalability goals which RE&UP has set out on achieving since day 1, the company aims to expand its global recycling capacity to over one million tonnes of textile waste annually.

In a strategic meeting, Castilla-La Mancha regional president Emiliano García-Page and Patricia Franco, Minister of the Economy, Business and Employment, presented significant investment opportunities to RE&UP for its first expansion. The discussion highlighted Castilla-La Mancha’s competitive advantages, including the Priority Projects Act which streamlines administrative processes, and the availability of industrial land and renewable energy at competitive prices.

RE&UP is dedicated to leading the transition to a circular economy in the fashion industry by transforming textile waste into high-quality, Next-Gen fibers. The evaluation of a potential partnership with Castilla-La Mancha aligns perfectly with the company’s mission and the region’s commitment to the development of a more sustainable industry.

The regional government emphasized its commitment to support large-scale investment projects such as RE&UP, reinforcing Castilla-La Mancha’s status as a burgeoning hub for green industry and circular economy initiatives. As for RE&UP, this represents a great chance for expansion with parties that share the same innovative vision.